Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm one year old!

Originally uploaded by chmcelwee.

Our little baby boy is now one year and 1 week old. Just ask him, he'll tell you. Wow, does time fly! It's been a fantastic year to say the least. As we look back on it, it's amazing how far he's come and how much he's grown.

  • He's grown from 8 lbs, 1 oz. to 20 lbs 12 ozs..
  • He's grown from 21 inches to 29 1/2 inches.
  • He's gone from not being able to lift his head to running and climbling.
  • He's gone from his only sounds being a high pictched cry to saying words like "Popa", "Mama", "Cat", "bubbles" and "truck".
  • He's gone from not realizing that his hands were part of his own body to being able to point out his ears, nose, tummy and eyes.
  • He's gone from not being able to sit still long enough to read one board book to being able to take his favorite books off the shelf and then bring them to use and sit down in our laps when he wants to read
  • He's gone from eating nothing but breast milk to eating french fries, cake, ice cream, pizza and grilled cheese. (He might as well be a teenager!)
  • He's learned to communicate with us through baby sign language for "more", "all done" and "eat."
We've got a lot to look forward to in the next year and the years after. Let's hope they are all even better than this year!

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