Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Baker's Edge

A co-worker keyed me in to this product. It was invented by a friend of his from Carmel who won the 2004 Visa "Ideas Happen" National Contest. It's a baking pan called the Baker's Edge. Here's what the inventor had to say on the "Ideas Happen" web site:

What's the best brownie in the pan? If you said the corner brownie, you are not alone. Many people love the edges of brownies (baked goods, savory dishes etc.). I invented the Bakers Edge baking pan for all edge loving people. Every serving baked within the Bakers Edge has that delicious chewy edge. Say goodbye to baked goods with overdone dried edges, and gooey underdone centers.

Now I'm more of a gooey center kind of guy, so I won't be buying this, but if you like the edges, you can buy the Baker's Edge from Amazon.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am the inventor of the Baker's Edge. I just want to ring in, before you scare away any other "center lovers". You see, the Baker's Edge interior walls allow you to bake every serving evenly. So you no longer get dried out edges, and underdone centers. Because it gives you better baking control, you can get a pan full of edges - OR a pan full of gooey centers (just reduce your baking time a bit). It’s more about even baking, and better control of your baking. My goal was to take away the guesswork and inconsistency that is inherent in baking with conventional pans.

Ok ok...the pitch is over.

You must realize that I patrol the web looking for chatter about the Baker's Edge - and that I have informants located in strategic locations.

All the Best,

Matt Griffin
GriffInvent Inc.