Thursday, March 31, 2005

Life, death, religion and politics in America

The media and congressional circus surrounding the Michael and Terri Schiavo situation in Florida has weighed heavily on me the last two weeks. Maybe it's because we just celebrated Easter or because of the book I've been reading, God's Politics by Sojourners founder Jim Wallis. Both Mr. Wallis and Jesuit Priest Robert Drinan, author of Can God and Caesar Coexist? were on Meet the Press on Easter Sunday. Read the transcript, it was a fascination discussion.

The Schiavo's public tragedy has taught me two things.

  1. Republicans are hypocrites.

  2. Everyone needs a will and a living will. Cathy and I have just started thinking about ours. If you don't make a living will, at least make sure all of your family is aware of your wishes concerning your life and death.

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