Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Baby Boot Camp

It's been a regular baby boot camp in the Roach house. Last week we had our first childbirth class at the Bloomington Hospital. It was a great class, with a good group of about 12 couples. It's funny to think that these people's kids may be our kid's friends through pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school and beyond! We're still good friends with Gretchen Giddings who I went to pre-school with way back in the day! We got to see the Center for Women and Children including their ultra cool star-field vaulted ceiling in the special care nursery. The only bad part of the class was the fact we had to sit on the floor for 3 hours. Yesterday, I went with Cathy to a breastfeeding class. Then later in the week we have a Dr's appointment, a "Baby basics" class and our second childbirth class. We've signed up for nearly every class Bloomington Hospital has to offer!

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