Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Thou shalt not kill (Except for political assassinations)

Pat Robertson apparently forgot about the 6th Commandment on Monday when he suggested on his television show, the 700 Club, that the US assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Roberts stated, "We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability." He continued with "We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with." Roberts also stated "You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."

So much for the religious right's "culture of life."

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